Microsoft Open Source Strategy

In the tech world, big companies like Microsoft sometimes act friendly toward open-source software, but it’s not always smooth sailing. Let’s take a look at Microsoft’s past and see how they’ve dealt with open source, using simple words to explain.

Being Friendly (Embrace): At first, Microsoft started to be more friendly to open source. They did things like saying they’d work better with Linux and teaming up with companies that support Linux. It seemed like a step in the right direction.

Making Changes (Extend): But then, things got a bit tricky. Microsoft started adding their own stuff to open-source software. This might sound good, but it could cause problems. It could make things harder for other people to use the original open-source stuff without relying on Microsoft’s changes.

Trying to Win (Extinguish): Finally, Microsoft tried to push out the competition. They used their big influence and special features to try to make people switch from the original open-source software to Microsoft’s own versions. This could mean less choice for users and less innovation in the long run.

What Happened Next: As a result of all this, there were some consequences. People got worried about Microsoft having too much power. Some even thought they were being unfair to other companies. It made trust a bit shaky between Microsoft and the open-source community.

Looking Ahead: Even though things haven’t always been smooth, Microsoft has changed its tune over time. They’re doing more to work with open source now. It’s a reminder that in the tech world, things can be complicated, but there’s always a chance for companies to make things better and work together in the end.

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